ENDOLASERLIFT: lifting becomes outpatient!

With Lumix Q Platform, Nd:YAG Q-Switched laser Platform, the 320um optical fiber is inserted into the subcutaneous tissue of the area to be treated, avoiding any kind of tissue trauma.

All the laser energy is exclusively channelled on the top of the optical fiber, so that all the power emitted by the laser could be expressed at the maximum of its performance in a single point.

The user, with a gentle movement departing all around a unique point, will move the optical fiber inside the subcutaneous tissue, by treating all the areas of interest and generating a real lifting.

The laser energy, in the form of warm, causes a shrinking of the subcutaneous tissue fibrous bundles, which will gradually shorten, producing a real lifting of the treated areas.

The aesthetic result, consequent to the biological reaction of the tissue after the laser treatment, will be partly visible in the short term and it will harmonise in the space of 2-3 months (the needed time for the fibrous bundles to shorten).

There won’t be a post-treatment crippling period, as is the case of surgical lifting. In fact it isn’t a surgical intervention, so there is no a post intervention.

It will appear just a light redness on the patient treated areas, that will disappear in the following hours, together with a very slight swelling which will vanish in the following 24-48 hours. There will be no stitches.

Therefore, in contrast to the very crippling post-intervention of the surgical lifting, due to swelling, edema, stitches, bruising, etc, with the ENDOLASERLIFT treatment, the patient will easily and immediately resume his daily lives, without reporting to no one what he has just done.