• The diode laser

    for Surgery and Therapy


Lumix® Surgery Dual is the diode laser with dual use mode for Surgery and Therapy

LUMIX® Surgery Dual is a versatile and complete device, equipped with appropriate handpieces with specific terminals and various optical fibers, which adapts to different working methods, to optimize the effectiveness of the treatment, be it surgical or therapeutic.

In surgery, using the contact mode fiber, LUMIX® Surgery Dual is the evolution of the common blade; it has unique specifications like the vaporization which replaces the classic incision of the surgical blades.

In the therapeutic field, LUMIX® Surgery Dual performs an effective photomeccanic, biostimulating, regenerative and thermal action.

LUMIX® Surgery Dual allows you to work with 2 emission modes:

  • Surgical Mode: continuous, burst mode with adjustable actuation time
  • Therapeutic Mode: continuous, pulsed, superpulsed and C.P.S.®


  • Peak power: 300W
  • Average power: from 9W to 31W
  • Up to 5 available wavelenghts
  • Superpulsation: up to 100.000 Hz
  • Nanotechnology: nano-pulses of 70ns
Lumix Surgery Dual portable device for surgery and therapy with menu in English

Surgery without blades

2 transfer modes: Contact and No-Contact

2 operating modes: Continuous and Frequenced (Pulsed)

Main advantages compared to traditional surgical methods

Extremely tolerable treatment

best comfort, less use of anesthetics, more intervention speed

Reduced healing times

the method used with the laser is less invasive compared to the traditional surgery methods, to reduce healing times

Minimum or no bleeding at all

the laser application determines the haemostasis making the surgery field well clear and reduces/avoids the need of stitche

Reduced or no post-surgery infections at all

the laser application induces a high antibacterial action that promotes the decontamination of the surgical place    

The distinctive features applied to Surgery

  • Essential for microsurgery
  • Avoids the need of stitches
  • Coagulation ability
  • Less post-surgery pain
  • Less post-surgery edema
  • Fast recovery
  • Maximum precision in cutting soft tissues
  • No traction of the tissues in the healing phase
  • Better aesthetic appearance of tissues in the post-surgery phase
  • Less use of post-surgery pharmacological treatments
  • Less impact on treated and surrounding tissues

An effective therapy with immediate and lasting results






Immediate analgesic

Unparalleled therapy

LUMIX® Surgery Dual  is the innovative high power multidiode laser with C.P.S.® emission (Continuous, Pulsed and Superpulsed), that performs effective photobiostimulation.

The multi wavelength of LUMIX® Surgery Dual,  the high peak power (300W) and the high average powers that reach 31W, allow a wide volumetric involvement of the treated area with the administration of a high quantity of energy in depth, guaranteeing a particularly high tissue penetration.

LUMIX® Surgery Dual is, nowadays, the laser with the highest peak power generated by a single diode source, available on the market.

The advantages of the therapeutic mode:

  • Multi wavelength to reach the deepest layers.
  • Combination and synchronization of sources to eliminate causes of diseases.
  • Overlapping of diodes for homogeneous irradiation on a single spot.

The real Superpulsation

L’utilizzo di elevate frequenze di pulsazione (oltre 30 KHz: Superpulsazione) permette di sfruttare un nuovo fenomeno fisico: l’effetto fotomeccanico, cioè la trasformazione, a livello molecolare, dell’energia EM luminosa in energia meccanica. L’ampio range di regolazione della frequenza (da 1Hz a 100.000Hz) rende Lumix® Surgery Dual un laser unico nel suo genere.

La superpulsazione (dai 30.000Hz ai 100.000Hz) è la caratteristica principale nella fotobiomodulazione laser per attivare biostimolazione e la rigenerazione come dimostrato dalle pubblicazioni scientifiche realizzate con i laser Fisioline®.

Indications for Surgery and Therapy

Dermatology and Aesthetic Surgery

Skin Neoformations, Skin fibroma, Pendulous fibroma, Naevi, Keratosis, Seborrheic Keratosis Skin stains, Syringoma, Xanthelasma, Cysts, Lipoma, Papillomas, Warts, Barcode, Face traction, Soft Blepharoplasty, Wrinkle traction, Periocular Rejuvenation, Perilabial Rejuvenation.

Dental Surgery

Dental Surgery, Periodontology, Endodontics, Oral Pathology, Implantology, Whitening.

Soft Tissue Surgery

Immagine di donna tridimensionale

Aesthetic Medicine and Dermatology

Anti-age action, Wrinkles, Photorejuvenation, Photobiostimulation, Acne, Post-acne scars, Dermatitis, Cherry angioma, Ulcers, Skin Toning, Healing, Biostimulation, Combination with PRP, Onychomycosis, PDT, Onychrocryptosis.

Dental Therapy

Post Oral Surgery, Periodontology, Endodontics, Oral Pathology, TMJ Disease, Therapy.


Bone and Tissue Biostimulation, Pain Therapy, Post-traumatic, Decontracturing, Anti-inflammatory, Localized Anti-edema, Rehabilitation Therapy.


Onychomycosis, PDT (Laser PhotoDynamic Therapy), Onychrocryptosis, Warts, Biostimulation.

Wizard your guide always by your side

A unique feature of LUMIX® Surgery Dual is the Wizard, a step-by-step digital guide to use the device. Thanks to an intuitive software, the Wizard leads the Doctor in selecting preset protocols dedicated to the various pathologies both acute and chronic, composed by more phases.

Thanks to the Wizard the operator can select, modify and keep always under control the functions and the operatives parameters.

The plus:

  • preset protocols
  • rapid research with the inner finder
  • selection free protocol
  • creation of personalized programs
  • upgradeable via usb port

Una tecnologia interattiva

LUMIX® Surgery Dual is extremely versatile and intuitive laser, allowing control of energy dosage administred to tissues through automatic modulation of the supplied parameters in relation to the zone to be treated and to the patient’s pathology.

Touch-screen display

The interface of LUMIX® Surgery Dual displays the parameters on a large color Touch Screen 7” display to remotely read and give to the operator control of the correct laser technologies performance.

Lumix Surgery Dual with trolley for handling and articulated arm for automatic treatments.
Tutorial application video for treatments with Lumix Surgery Dual

Multimedia treatment videos

Fisioline® presents an important innovation: the matching of preset protocols to illustrating video tutorials, always available, updatable and usable directly from the device console of LUMIX® Surgery Dual , showing in detail the steps to be followed by the operator. These training tools allow for fast operators’ learning curve.

Interchangeable terminals

LUMIX® Surgery Dual ncludes the surgical fiber optic handpiece and the therapeutic handpiece with interchangeable terminals.

Surgical handpiece

LUMIX® Surgery Dual is equipped with a 200, 320, 400 and 600-micron interchangeable surgical fiber optic with SMA connector.

In-depth video YouTube

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